Friday, November 14 may have sounded mean--but i was being honest.

It was brought to my attention that my previous blog was offensive. And though I don't wish to offend people--opinions seem to have that effect sometimes--and I happen to have many opinions!

To be fair, my workplace is filled with many great people--those who are courteous, friendly, hard working, respectful of the space and the property they are borrowing...and in the same breath, as I inhale from saying that sentence, I must follow it up immediately with the fact that it is also filled with many who are ignorant--people who lie, cheat, steal, are apathetic, are grossly insecure, are rude and self-centered. And as I lament about the "brainlessness" of it--I am not making commentary on any particular individual--but rather an overall workplace-culture where everyone must fend for themselves (kind of like capitalism), rarely help one another out, and constantly feel belittled by a company that sees them as nothing more than a cash-cow.

Don't get me wrong and please don't misunderstand--personal training and coaching different strength disciplines can be an art when you know what you're doing. Having the opportunity and ability to work with individuals one-on-one; bringing them to a place of heightened fitness is extremely rewarding. But just like in EVERY workplace, there are always those individuals who don't fit in--unfortunately for me, at this particular workplace, I'm one of those people.

Plain and simply...I don't like working for a corporation. I don't want to be another cog in the wheel--it's not who I am. While I continue at my post, making a lot of money for a little bit of people, I will continue to blog about it--as honestly as always. I will try my best to articulate my opinions so that they're specific and eloquent... I always hope not to offend, but rather to elicit thought.

So stay tuned for more Stories From The Gym!

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