Monday, March 16

seriously... enough with winter man.

The past couple of months have been quite stressful, I can't lie on my own blog.

Here is the laundry list... in case you're curious

  • I've been dealing with my current immigration situation--which is nonexistent since my partner and I still have no status... We'd like to get out of our basement-apartment-living-situation, as the upstairs neighbors aren't exactly "light walkers" if you know what I mean... Not to mention the fact that we sit on patio furniture because I refuse to buy new household items until we get a real place. What's the point when there is a pretty good chance you might get deported, right?

  • The holidays came and went, and not fast enough I should add. Since we can't visit our family at this delicate time, holidays just aren't the same. Yes, my partner and I consider each other family, but let's face it-- 1: I can't cook like my mom so I'm going to try it unless she's giving individual lessons 2: we don't fight with one another and holidays are not as fun without a couple of good old tussles with your siblings--I miss fighting with my brothers (huge part of my upbringing actually)... Needless to say, I am glad they are over!

  • There is a recession currently, and unfortunately Stephen Harper is still the Prime Minister. Come on Canada! Are you serious with this guy? Seriously? The picture below says exactly what I think about Mr. Harper. Politically correct? not so much. Figuratively correct? perhaps. Could it be worse politically here? Nope.

  • And lastly, it's still far too cold out!

Deep down, I know I shouldn't complain because I know things could be far worse, so kindly forgive me. But since this is my blog and nobody reads it, I can basically talk about whatever I want!

I need a vacation. One with sand and ocean and lots of skin showing everywhere and beer during the day... Are there any places like that in Canada?

If you can think of a way to put me back in "glass half full mode", I'd really, really love to hear it. And don't say zoloft or viagra or whateverelsefuckingpillpeopleseemtobepoppingthesedays... all those things do is cause side effects!

OK ... I'm making myself nauseous with what a Debbie Downer I am... stories from the gym coming up!

Saturday, March 14's been a long time... but i bought a new laptop, so i'm back!

So much to catch you all up on... apologies. (hahahaha... I know that only about 2 people read this!)

I had to take a break. Let's face it--keeping up with the news and the way in which humans conduct business on this planet is just intolerable. Am I pessimistic? Perhaps. So I needed a much deserved break. I spent this "break" watching TLC instead of CBC... thus I will be blogging about "Little People Big World" sometimes because it's a great show ;)

While on said blogging break, I've reconnected with my true passion, which is coaching. And aside from that, I've been concentrating on work. And yes, don't fret, "Stories from The Gym" will continue! So much drama to bring you up to date on...

On the War Resister front, I am currently dealing with the fact that I have to make call-ins each month requiring my voice to be recognized by a computer. No, it's not a big deal, but it makes me feel like a criminal. I am not a criminal. The fact that I disagree (with all of my being) with a war that is both immoral and illegal is not criminal. Yet Canada has a knack of making me feel like a felon. It is a very interesting way to experience anger. Usually there is someone or something you can address... in our case the entity holding us back is much larger than most of everyone.

But no worries... I'm back.

Talk to you tomorrow!