Sunday, October 19

...where have all the hippies gone?

i decided to post some of the best songs ever written. They're old school, they're revolutionary, They're fantastic! They help me believe we can make this world a better place...

THE REVOLUTION WILL NOT BE TELEVISED--it's true isn't it? Every time there is a protest with hundreds of thousands of people, do we see it on television? NEVER. The media picks and chooses what it shows to us. And just because they don't show it, does not mean it's not happening! Pick up your pickets people, it's time for revolution!

I'M A LOT LIKE YOU WERE. This next one, I love. It reminds of the Vietnam Era soldiers who were sent to fight an unjustified war. I feel like we can/should relate--thus, I love this song. History repeats itself, unfortunately, but at least we know how to fight against oppression.

WHAT'S GREAT AMERICAN MUSIC WITHOUT THE DOOBIE BROTHERS? I wish we would just take it to the streets already, honestly!! Ps. Micheal McDonald is awesome! LOL!

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