I'm angry at capitalism--not only because the big guys keeps getting richer, but because they're totally abusing the little guys.
I'm angry at the government(s) and their lack of interest in helping to fix the environment.
I'm angry at people who take advantage of others/organizations who are trying to actually help them--I have first hand experience with this and it's awful.
I'm angry at us for not treating other people like they're human beings--when you think about it, we are all the same. I know it, you know it, yet we can't seem to get it together.
I'm angry that having clean drinking water and food to eat isn't a basic human right. The fact that people go starving and have no clean water to drink while others toss it in the trash, by the truckload, is inconceivable to me.
Obviously, an intelligent person might ask: Well, what are you going to do about all of these extremely open ended and vague things you are soooo angry about Enid?
And to be completely honest, I'm not quite sure what the answer to that question is. I mean, what can I really do to change what seems like the impossible--especially when we continue to elect the same types of men to power (nothing wrong with men, but they don't exactly have the greatest track record when it comes to high office)? I've tried yoga, therapy, intense work outs, playing team sports, public speaking. I've tried activism but was disappointed because I was forced to deal with individuals who were more interested in their

We've all heard the saying "ignorance is bliss"--and believe me, there are days when I wish I was still that ignorant American girl who was obsessed with 'The Real World' on MTV, but the fact is, there's no going back. Things have changed drastically for me and I accept that. These days, what I obsess over mostly are the 5 things I wish I could change.
So is my anger due to an inability to act? Or is it a byproduct of the times in which we live? Do I go back to pretending that it's not really happening--like most of the people I know? Or do I continue to look for the best way that I can contribute? (<-- the best answer, I know)
I guess I need to sort it out eh?
**As an end note, I want to Thank Laura K. at wmtc for giving me a shout-out on her blog today. She's a pretty awesome lady and a true patriot. As for me, I'm working on it.
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