I think this picture is indicative of what many of us may be feeling as of late. I have always been a firm believer in human intuition and its ability to warn of us peril in its own ominous and subtle way. I believe that most people do not depend or use this ability to their advantage as much as they should. Instead we suppress our own natural instinct and listen to what marketing firms have become so brilliant at: programming us. We're basically caught up in a manufactured state of 'iFear', 'iCool', 'iRight', 'iWrong'--you get my drift. Unfortunately, our lack of interest in reality has brought us to a point in history where the world is in absolute and utter crisis--economically, socially, and environmentally. Yet most people are still blind to what is happening; unable to become sober with the severity of the current situation.
I feel as though I have been talking about this underlying feeling of impending doom for a long time and just recently others are beginning to admit to feeling similarly. It feels as though something is about to end and it's an unsettling type of terrifying.
"This thing" which is seemingly coming to an end is ambiguous and vague and matters not. What matters is this unshakable feeling that I am about to fall fast and hard. As if I am standing on the very edge of a cliff; teetering and stammering in a desperate attempt to keep my balance even though I know I am about to plunge. It's that very last second before you fall and everything is in slow motion.
If the end is really near, I just wonder what "the end" is. And for the sake of all human beings, I truly hope it is the end of corruption, or inequality, or hatred, or poverty. Though I hate to sound like a finalist in a beauty pageant, I hope there is warm, crystal blue tropical water to break our fall...Fuck, I'll even take the Atlantic waters off the coast of Jersey. Anything but what is seemingly the inevitable.
(photograph taken by me, Toronto Island '08)