Anyway, check out these pictures. They are of 2 reality television stars who have managed to get their pictures in every gossip rag at your local grosser. I thought these photos were really interesting. Let's discuss this for a moment:
Her shirt says: "Read My Lipstick, Vote McCain-Palin", His shirt says: "Palin for VP: God, Guns, Glory", He is holding a couple bottles of Budweiser, a gun, and a book called: "You Can Profit From a Monetary Crisis", while she is dressed as scantily as possible. They are clearly being photographed in Malibu.
So here is my question: These two are notorious for doing anything to make sure they remain in any kind of spotlight, however, is it possible that they are not as "dumb" as they are considered to be?
I hope, with all of my heart, that young people of the world, Americans in this particular case, are against war--plain and simply because we're the ones who will have to deal with the severe repurcussions of it in the future--not to mention that there are plenty of OTHER great ways to solve foreign and/or domestic issues. I mean, obviously there will be young people who will vote Neocon this election, however, I honestly cannot believe that ANYONE, my age, would want to vote for John McCain and Sara Palin on purpose--I simply cannot believe it! Call me ignorant but I think that's crazy! CraaaaAAAZEEEEY.....
That said, something tells me that there is a hint of sarcasm and almost brilliance to these (obviously staged) photos. Think about it: If you know people don't take you seriously and basically dislike your public/self-created persona--what would you do to back something you really believed in. If I were them, and I knew people loathed me, and I really cared about this election... I would pretend I liked McCain-Palin too (....well.... maybe not. I can't fake anything!)...
Though I don't care for these individuals particularly--because, well, who cares? I have to hand it to them--I think these photos are amusing and indicative of EXACTLY what the McCain/Palin Campaign claims to be. Here's to some pop-cultural satire for your Thursday afternoon!

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