Monday, October 27

MTV warns the public about Martial Law and Concentration camps... Whaaaaaaat?

OK... when I first watched the video below--which you will soon click on and watch--I was in utter shock and disbelief.

So take a look and I'll tell you what I think...

I often go off on these wild tangents when I talk about the United States government and my disdain for it's blatant acts of dishonesty--its achievements in stripping Americans of their rights--USA Patriot Act, Military Commissions Act, Preemptive Raids on activists--the incredible amount of power the Bush Administration has managed to secure for itself by use of stolen elections and staged events, and of course the obvious and nauseating control over the media it has managed to seize.

Without fail, each and every time I speak my mind and express my fears over a Government-Gone-Wild , I am called a conspiracy theorist--which is the equivalent of being called a "silly child". And though it is frustrating to hear this very common reaction--there is no doubt in my mind that there is plenty of truth to what I am trying to tell you. I am trying to tell you, in the simplest of words that the United States Government is not finished plotting and practicing the evil deeds it began to commit in 2001.

Their track record says it all:
  • using tragedy to gain power -- 9/11 and most recently the tanking of the economy
  • using ruthless propaganda and flat out lies--where do I begin? Weapons of Mass Destruction, Sadam Husseins ties with Al Queida, or the McCain Campaign calling Obama a terrorist?
  • Torture? WTF!
  • The Military Stop-Loss policy--a secret way for the government to use and reuse and then reuse troops.... over and over...
  • Preemptive War, preemptive raids, survaillance of citizens
  • allowing and even encouraging racism and hate speech at rallies and elsewhere
  • controlling the media--Fox News, is this what we call respectable journalism?
  • a questionable aliance with the Bin Laden family which was (suspiciously) NEVER legally, publically, questioned by congress. Where is Kenneth Star?
  • ENRON?
  • lying about a $700 billion dollar Bailout Bill--which according to MANY economists, was unnecessary and misused; as there was plenty of hidden agenda contained inside of a bill, comprised of hundreds of pages, that Senate only had hours to read and then vote upon
  • stolen elections of the past (hanging chads anyone?) and more recently, countless reports from all over the nation of people being purged from the voter roles and voter caging
Let's face it, these guys--the Bush Administration, the One-Percenters, the Neocons--are plotting some serious, Voldemort-Style, world domination and it's obvious (to me at least) that they plan on gaining it by any means necessary.

The fact of the matter is, and not to scare the shit out of anyone, but this is REALLY happening. It's not a movie, it's not a commercial in a movie--it's a real commercial that was run in the United States by MTV. Can you believe that? A commercial comparing today to the days of Holocaust... this is real.

So instead of remaining in your current state of blissful-ignoring (i.e. denial) Let's try to think of what we can do to stop it! We can stop this from happening--whether it's on the horizon or not.

Check out this book: "Give me Liberty: A Handbook For American Revolutionaries", by Naomi Wolf. The book was written with the intention of helping us to fight the power and keep our freedom. After all, if it happens in the US... whose to say they'll respect the borders and let Canada live freely? What's the likelihood with Harper in charge?

My point is this: how can it be "conspiracy theory" if MTV is saying it too? It doesn't get more Mainstream than that. Think about it.

**Link to Citizen Against Lies. I sent this link to Shelly, who writes this blog, and she was just as astonished by the video as I was. She said she would post on it tonight and it will definitely be interesting to learn her point of view.

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