Wednesday, October 29
E.B.'s Pub... shit only a drunk person would say...
I just watched a reality show, whose identity I will not disclose (out of embarrassment). On the show tonight one young women, who looks like a barbie doll (anatomically disproportionate, with long straight, perfect hair, perfectly lined eyes, an innocent/clueless personality) and works at a recording studio for a major record label--dumped her boyfriend on camera. During "The Dump" (which inevitably began with the sentence: "I don't think this is working out) the y.w. actually took a bite of food and then continued to tell him what a special guy he is while she chewed it! Amazing. Did I mention she walked out in the middle of a recording session where a famous and talented music star was in mid-song? Awesome.
The episode also included a y.w. who looks, literally, like a muppet--lot's of plastic surgery, collagen lips, bleach blond, perfect looking hair--the works. This "muppet" stared into the camera incessantly while obsessively playing with her hair and occasionally flashing a sexy yet sinister look as she delivered a line. No word yet if her camera glances and sexy-fidgeting were due to insecurities in her appearance or desperate attempts to look sexy. Likely both.
In this episode I witnessed social manipulation and powerplays, unnecessary urging for confrontation, emotional abuse and back stabbing. All the while, the extremely tolerant, pious, kind nature of one character lingered as the main storyline.
All of the young women and men on the show are quite affluent (with their famous industry parents conveniently left out of the plot) they are often taking private jets & limos, sporting the finest couture, and landing the coolest jobs/internships in the land. Their life, it seems, is a dream-come-true--well except for some guy in Florida who will forever be known as the guy who got dumped on television...anyway, they are, it seems, the representatives of a generation.
Quite an interesting American show, eh?
What is interesting to me is the way they are portrayed as real people. Think about it. It's a reality television show. With this title alone, the producers of the show are telling us that these are REAL people and this is the way REAL people act. And they are also rewarded with fame and wealth for acting the way that they do: talking behind each others' back, cheating on one another, manipulating each other, purposely ending friendships, verbalizing their hatred of one another, being blatantly obsessed with their appearance, never (ever) talking about what is actually happening in the world, and showing complete and utter devotion to looking/being perceived as cool. They have no black or gay friends and they appear regularly on various talk shows (Ellen, David Letterman, The View) to enforce their fame and flaunt their fortune.
My question is this--if the mainstream media is promoting these "real" people as a generation's idols and role models--complete with the wealth, fame, and beauty their generation desires wholeheartedly--isn't that the same as attempting to create-through influence, a generation of assholes?
Why would the mainstream media do that?
Tuesday, October 28
...if it made you think...
Shelly, from, wrote an amazing Blog about the MTV spots which were run on MTV last summer (see below or click above). I'm glad she did... we need to get the word out--even if we are wrong. The possibility that we could be right (which truly does exist) far outweighs the consequences of being wrong.
Very Cool Discovery - a soon to be, largely-discovered, Canadian comedian
To a hilarious Canadian comedian:
Not Give A Fuck... (OH man...if only that were remotely possible for me!)
And if you don't think that one is funny... try this:
Monday, October 27
MTV warns the public about Martial Law and Concentration camps... Whaaaaaaat?
So take a look and I'll tell you what I think...
I often go off on these wild tangents when I talk about the United States government and my disdain for it's blatant acts of dishonesty--its achievements in stripping Americans of their rights--USA Patriot Act, Military Commissions Act, Preemptive Raids on activists--the incredible amount of power the Bush Administration has managed to secure for itself by use of stolen elections and staged events, and of course the obvious and nauseating control over the media it has managed to seize.
Without fail, each and every time I speak my mind and express my fears over a Government-Gone-Wild , I am called a conspiracy theorist--which is the equivalent of being called a "silly child". And though it is frustrating to hear this very common reaction--there is no doubt in my mind that there is plenty of truth to what I am trying to tell you. I am trying to tell you, in the simplest of words that the United States Government is not finished plotting and practicing the evil deeds it began to commit in 2001.
Their track record says it all:
- using tragedy to gain power -- 9/11 and most recently the tanking of the economy
- using ruthless propaganda and flat out lies--where do I begin? Weapons of Mass Destruction, Sadam Husseins ties with Al Queida, or the McCain Campaign calling Obama a terrorist?
- Torture? WTF!
- The Military Stop-Loss policy--a secret way for the government to use and reuse and then reuse troops.... over and over...
- Preemptive War, preemptive raids, survaillance of citizens
- allowing and even encouraging racism and hate speech at rallies and elsewhere
- controlling the media--Fox News, is this what we call respectable journalism?
- a questionable aliance with the Bin Laden family which was (suspiciously) NEVER legally, publically, questioned by congress. Where is Kenneth Star?
- lying about a $700 billion dollar Bailout Bill--which according to MANY economists, was unnecessary and misused; as there was plenty of hidden agenda contained inside of a bill, comprised of hundreds of pages, that Senate only had hours to read and then vote upon
- stolen elections of the past (hanging chads anyone?) and more recently, countless reports from all over the nation of people being purged from the voter roles and voter caging
The fact of the matter is, and not to scare the shit out of anyone, but this is REALLY happening. It's not a movie, it's not a commercial in a movie--it's a real commercial that was run in the United States by MTV. Can you believe that? A commercial comparing today to the days of Holocaust... this is real.
So instead of remaining in your current state of blissful-ignoring (i.e. denial) Let's try to think of what we can do to stop it! We can stop this from happening--whether it's on the horizon or not.
Check out this book: "Give me Liberty: A Handbook For American Revolutionaries", by Naomi Wolf. The book was written with the intention of helping us to fight the power and keep our freedom. After all, if it happens in the US... whose to say they'll respect the borders and let Canada live freely? What's the likelihood with Harper in charge?
My point is this: how can it be "conspiracy theory" if MTV is saying it too? It doesn't get more Mainstream than that. Think about it.
**Link to Citizen Against Lies. I sent this link to Shelly, who writes this blog, and she was just as astonished by the video as I was. She said she would post on it tonight and it will definitely be interesting to learn her point of view.
...for the gym-rats, sports enthusiasts, and conspirists alike...
As some of you may know, I spend a good deal of time at the gym...yeah, I admit it. It's not that I'm obsessed with the way I look, it's just that I consider myself to be an athlete and staying fit is a vital part of that consideration. In any case, the gym has become my second home and while there, I've learned quite a bit.
At the gym, there is no shortage of interesting characters--the meatheads, the magazine girls, the people who have clearly never touched a weight before, the athletes, the socializers, the group-exercise-class-groupies, those who are addicted to spinning, the gym-rats, those who are medically mandated to train (mostly older population), and of course those who try extremely hard but have all of the wrong moves.
Every once in a while, you'll see a guy (or a gal) and you'll wonder to yourself: "are they on steroids?" For most people, the thought of using steroids is a crazy one, but for others--those who make a living by using their body (athletes, strippers, models, body builders), those who are plain obsessed, and of course, those who work in the industry--steroids is a reality.
A friend and coworker of mine suggested I watch a documentary called BIGGER, STRONGER, FASTER. He suggested it because he thought I would like it--he was right. It's a documentary about an American guy who grew up in New York with 2 brothers. Growing up, their childhood obsessions were muscles, wrestling, and being the strongest boy in school and in the house. All three brothers followed their dreams to become professional power lifters/wrestlers. The film follows the main character as he grapples to understand why his 2 brothers are addicted to using steroids and he is not. The documentary evolves into a search for the truth about steroids--are they really harmful? And if not, why the big fuss?
I watched it and thought it to be one of the best I've ever seen--insightful, funny, and a bit genius at times. So, that said, if you're a fitness-punk like I am, this film comes highly suggested--if you're a fitness-punk AND you're American than that's even better.
CHECK IT OUT (of Blockbuster) It really makes you think about society, growing-up American, and of course...the culture's obsession with STEROIDS!
Thursday, October 23
...some pop cultural satire... who knew pop culture and politics could mix?
Anyway, check out these pictures. They are of 2 reality television stars who have managed to get their pictures in every gossip rag at your local grosser. I thought these photos were really interesting. Let's discuss this for a moment:
Her shirt says: "Read My Lipstick, Vote McCain-Palin", His shirt says: "Palin for VP: God, Guns, Glory", He is holding a couple bottles of Budweiser, a gun, and a book called: "You Can Profit From a Monetary Crisis", while she is dressed as scantily as possible. They are clearly being photographed in Malibu.
So here is my question: These two are notorious for doing anything to make sure they remain in any kind of spotlight, however, is it possible that they are not as "dumb" as they are considered to be?
I hope, with all of my heart, that young people of the world, Americans in this particular case, are against war--plain and simply because we're the ones who will have to deal with the severe repurcussions of it in the future--not to mention that there are plenty of OTHER great ways to solve foreign and/or domestic issues. I mean, obviously there will be young people who will vote Neocon this election, however, I honestly cannot believe that ANYONE, my age, would want to vote for John McCain and Sara Palin on purpose--I simply cannot believe it! Call me ignorant but I think that's crazy! CraaaaAAAZEEEEY.....
That said, something tells me that there is a hint of sarcasm and almost brilliance to these (obviously staged) photos. Think about it: If you know people don't take you seriously and basically dislike your public/self-created persona--what would you do to back something you really believed in. If I were them, and I knew people loathed me, and I really cared about this election... I would pretend I liked McCain-Palin too (....well.... maybe not. I can't fake anything!)...
Though I don't care for these individuals particularly--because, well, who cares? I have to hand it to them--I think these photos are amusing and indicative of EXACTLY what the McCain/Palin Campaign claims to be. Here's to some pop-cultural satire for your Thursday afternoon! won't believe what this guy says...
....maybe you needed a laugh today... i laughed out loud when I saw this!
Monday, October 20
MORE talk of a stolen election...
There is no doubt that there is something sketchy going on... so let's get to the bottom of it!
From Rolling Stone Magazine:
"I don't think the Democrats get it," says John Boyd, a voting-rights attorney in Albuquerque who has taken on the Republican Party for impeding access to the ballot. "All these new rules and games are turning voting into an obstacle course that could flip the vote to the GOP in half a dozen states."
UPDATE: this information is EVERYWHERE... take your pick:
PBS on "voter caging":
MSNBC--Keith Olbermann on "voter caging":
... on a humorous note...
What did you think? I thought Obama was funnier... AND less rude... To be fair, I've posted both videos... decide for yourself. case you haven't felt disgusted yet today...
Here is a video, sent to me by a coworker, that was passed on to him by a friend. It is a video, posted on YouTube by Aljazeera Television, interviewing Americans at a Sara Palin rally in Ohio (take notice of all of the SUVs). Not only is this video disturbing, but it is also sad and terrifying. How is it even possible that racism, ignorance, and plain disregard for other human beings exists so openly in the United States--at a Republican Rally for the Vice Presidential Candidate nonetheless.
I am ashamed to be American after watching this video and I thank God to have been born in a blue state, with liberal-minded parents... Honestly, thanks be to God! Yes, that's right, I believe in God--AND a woman's right to choose, and gay marriage, and heterosexual marriage, and sports, and progressive politics, and environmentalism, and sex before marriage, and divorce, and condoms, and birth control, and wearing mini skirts, and education, and immigration reform, and election reform, and investing in Green Technologies, and rebuilding New Orleans--as far as I'm concerned one thing has NOTHING to do with the other.
I pray to God regularly and I believe that belief systems are personal and individual--not something to be forced on to others. The belief in God, religion, and the likes are meant to be sources of goodness and hope in one's life. They are ways for the individual to find quiet strength in all situations--they are never political and they are not the same for everyone. It is individual. Believing in a God, praying, practicing a religion, shit... even practicing yoga is about finding the good in yourself and attempting to make yourself the best person possible. The act of gaining more followers for your way of thinking does not get you points--Religion is not a sport and God is not the coach looking at his lineup!
Honestly, if "being filled with the holy spirit" means encouraging, condoning, and rallying hate... then Sara Palin and the people in this video (and anyone else who thinks this way) can take the holy spirit and shove him where the sun doesn't shine. If that offends you, I apologize.
In Conclusion, I don't know how many times I have to say this but... RELIGION AND POLITICS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH ONE ANOTHER... If you want to live in a holy land, then move your ass to Vatican City. The United States was founded in order for people to be free to believe what they like without the government oppressing or imposing on their beliefs. It is the beauty of our Bill of Rights, currently being eroded by a neo-con agenda. Religion is INDIVIDUAL... simple as that. IT'S INDIVIDUAL.
Rant over and out.
SIDE NOTE: Ironically, I would bet you any amount of money that these people would lose it if they knew Aljazeera that was interviewing them... funny eh?
And PS. to the old woman with the Cosby sweater: It's quite possible that you indeed can be considered as "trash" by some haters out there. And believe me, it has nothing to do with the fact that you're white. I can assure you that Barack Obama does not hate white people--what does "white people" even mean anyway?
More comments please!
Sunday, October 19
...where have all the hippies gone?
THE REVOLUTION WILL NOT BE TELEVISED--it's true isn't it? Every time there is a protest with hundreds of thousands of people, do we see it on television? NEVER. The media picks and chooses what it shows to us. And just because they don't show it, does not mean it's not happening! Pick up your pickets people, it's time for revolution!
I'M A LOT LIKE YOU WERE. This next one, I love. It reminds of the Vietnam Era soldiers who were sent to fight an unjustified war. I feel like we can/should relate--thus, I love this song. History repeats itself, unfortunately, but at least we know how to fight against oppression.
WHAT'S GREAT AMERICAN MUSIC WITHOUT THE DOOBIE BROTHERS? I wish we would just take it to the streets already, honestly!! Ps. Micheal McDonald is awesome! LOL!
I'm not the only one who thinks this way, so watch these videos.
This is a video of a US Congressman--Brad Sherman speaking on the floor of the US House of Representatives. He's talking about the $700 Billion Bailout Bill and the tactics being used behind the scenes to make sure it passed. This is REAL!
This is a video of author Naomi Wolfe in a radio interview talking about what has been going on in the US Government--in her words, a Coup D'etat. This is interesting stuff--backed up by fact!
Is the American Government really gearing up for a take-over?
We will see, won't we?
If it's true, what will come of Canada with its newly elected Barely-A-Minority Conservative Government? We all know Harper is working in conjunction with Bush, can the same things begin to happen here?
Thursday, October 16
anger issues... when yoga just isn't doing it for
I'm angry at capitalism--not only because the big guys keeps getting richer, but because they're totally abusing the little guys.
I'm angry at the government(s) and their lack of interest in helping to fix the environment.
I'm angry at people who take advantage of others/organizations who are trying to actually help them--I have first hand experience with this and it's awful.
I'm angry at us for not treating other people like they're human beings--when you think about it, we are all the same. I know it, you know it, yet we can't seem to get it together.
I'm angry that having clean drinking water and food to eat isn't a basic human right. The fact that people go starving and have no clean water to drink while others toss it in the trash, by the truckload, is inconceivable to me.
Obviously, an intelligent person might ask: Well, what are you going to do about all of these extremely open ended and vague things you are soooo angry about Enid?
And to be completely honest, I'm not quite sure what the answer to that question is. I mean, what can I really do to change what seems like the impossible--especially when we continue to elect the same types of men to power (nothing wrong with men, but they don't exactly have the greatest track record when it comes to high office)? I've tried yoga, therapy, intense work outs, playing team sports, public speaking. I've tried activism but was disappointed because I was forced to deal with individuals who were more interested in their own individual gains than the gains of the group--and so, I quit.
We've all heard the saying "ignorance is bliss"--and believe me, there are days when I wish I was still that ignorant American girl who was obsessed with 'The Real World' on MTV, but the fact is, there's no going back. Things have changed drastically for me and I accept that. These days, what I obsess over mostly are the 5 things I wish I could change.
So is my anger due to an inability to act? Or is it a byproduct of the times in which we live? Do I go back to pretending that it's not really happening--like most of the people I know? Or do I continue to look for the best way that I can contribute? (<-- the best answer, I know)
I guess I need to sort it out eh?
**As an end note, I want to Thank Laura K. at wmtc for giving me a shout-out on her blog today. She's a pretty awesome lady and a true patriot. As for me, I'm working on it.
Wednesday, October 15
harper and his torys win, while visions of Stephan Dion dance in my head...
**Please note: I spent the entire night dreaming, not of sugar plums, but of Stephan Dion. In my dream, I kept telling Mr. Dion that it was all his fault... "All Your Fault!" I yelled.
Some might say that due to the fact I am not Canadian, I shouldn't have anything to say about Canadian politics--but considering that I know a hell of a lot more about Canadian politics than say, the average Canadian--I'll continue (and I mean nothing offensive by that last comment; it's true.)
In any case, why should I care? I'm just an immigrant right (ha)? Here's the thing, I left the states because I couldn't deal with a government comprised of opportunists who were living in their own alternative reality--you know a government that starts wars for no reason and then covers it up with breaking news stories about Paris Hilton on CNN. I came to Canada because I thought I'd have a better chance living amongst the self-proclaimed, "nicest people on the planet". It was great for a while until I learned about the political system here--same old shit, different GPS reading.
For those of you who are a bit clueless about the Canadian political system, I have provided quick and easy break down of each political party below (American style):
The Conservative Party:
- Lead by the callous and robotic Stephen Harper--he has eyes like the scary old guy from 'Poltergeist'
- They call themselves the Tories--a name termed from Great Britain in the 17th Century.
- They have NO environmental policy...well really, they have no real platform. They simply think they are better than everyone else.
- They won 144 seats in Parliament--picked up about 6 from the urban sprawlers who live on the outskirts of Toronto, in their McMansions while they drive their SUVs everywhere... basically people who think they're wealthy but aren't.
- Stateside, they would be COMPARABLE to the neo-cons, also known as the Republican Party--in fact, Harper seemingly worships the ground George Bush walks on.
- In my opinion, the ONE AND ONLY excuse one might have to vote for this morally corrupt party is if they are extremely wealthy. Otherwise all other votes are due to ignorance, brainwashing, and influence over the ignorant, which equals brainwashing... you get my drift.
- Lead by Stephan Dion--a very smart and kind man who has a bad accent--which is the main reason why most people (ignorant people) likely voted against him. "He's wimpy" they said.
- They had a great environmental policy called "The Green Shift"--which was strangely very similar to the Green Party's environmental plan.
- They won 76 seats in Parliment--won the city of Toronto almost entirely with exception to Olivia Chow (NDP) & Jack Layton (NDP) who kept their seats.
- They are COMPARABLE to the Democrats in the states--they are (lately) viewed as a party who cannot make up their minds, seldom stands up for any issues and are even known to walk out of votes on good'ol P-Hill. (Ironically, i know ALL about this place, have been there a couple of times, even hung out in some MP's offices... so I can call it P-Hill if I'd like)
- In my opinion, the Liberal Party was the best strategic vote for this particular election as in my mind, the one and only goal should have been to eject the conservatives from their seats. In any case, I suspect there will likely be a change in leadership with Michael Ignatieff & Bob Rae heading the march.
- Lead by Gilles Duceppe
- Originally a separatist party interested in mainly Quebec becoming its own country.
- Won 50 seats last night--HOW??? great fucking question.
- Was instrumental in blocking the Tories out of gaining enough seats in Quebec--which according to pundits was an EPIC FAIL on the part of the conservatives
- This party only has ridings in Quebec--it's not exactly comparable to any party in the states... unless Arnold Schwartznegger starts his own politcal party called The Bloc Californians, which isn't too unlikely I suppose.
- Lead by Jack Layton--who is the type of guy that could kick someone's ass--he's kind of like The Chuck Norris of Politics--a no-bullshit type of guy. And I like him!
- They won a meager 37 seats
- They would be COMPARABLE to a Blue Collar, Union supporting, Middle Class, liberal-minded party in the states--well, that's if there was a middle class in the states that wasn't composed of fanatical Christians.
- They have policies and beliefs that tend to make sense to me, other activists that I am involved with (political & environmental), younger voters who are not influenced by their parents, minorities, and some very educated individuals that I happen to know. They seemingly support the everyday man and woman with no differentiation between the two. So I like that.
- They deserved more seats in my opinion and also according the the popular vote!
- Hopefully a "renewable" and "self-sustaining" party
- Became the center of attention during this election due to the NDP & Conservates attempting to keep the Greens out of the debates. May got in, and kicked everyone's ass!
- These up-and-comers are lead by the very capable Elizabeth May--who is the antithesis of another high profile politician--"she who must not be named"
- They were the only party to include campaign/voting reform as one of their platforms
- They genuinely want to make Mother Earth a better place for us all to live and that's extremely important
- 940,000 voters supported the Green Party who SENT NO ONE to Parliament, setting a new record for the most votes cast for any party that gained no parliamentary representation. By comparison, 813,000 Conservative voters in Alberta alone were able to elect 27 MPs. (
Tuesday, October 14
Very Cool Discovery - an indie lovers fitness dream!
There is a podcast I recently started listening to called "The Cadence Revolution". And since I happen to be a gym-rat... in more ways than one, I have become addicted to this podcast. It's an hour plus of fast, upbeat music that is original, unique, and talks about REAL SHIT kids... you can't get much better than that.
Here are some other reasons why it's amazing:
2) It's created by independent artists from all over the world--NYC, India, you name it.
3) The music is created with the intention of the listener working out to it--so it's fast paced, but it can also be used as a pre-made party soundtrack
4) The lyrics are fantastic--the artists talk about very real things, here is an excerpt from the first song off of show #85: (<-- to take a listen, click there)
"damn you hollywood you got me good,
you made me think that i understood,
people and places that don't exist,
do not tremble in my way cause i'm shaking my fist at you,
none of these memories are mine, you put them in my mind..."
CHORUS: "we need to work it out, out from what we've seen,
seeing that the story's not the story of the screen,
this technicolor mess, well it's not what you came for!
It's delicious! and i love it! Here's the info:
Podcast URL:
You should give it a listen. It's a very cool discovery!
Monday, October 13
America vs. CANADA ... thanksgiving style
But with all honesty, CANADIAN thanksgiving has nothing on american thanksgiving. it's sad, but it's true and i must admit, i'm having a bit of trouble coming to terms with the process of getting rid of my notion of home.
At this very moment, i'm home alone... and i like it. i'm home alone because i thought of any excuse possible to get myself out of a prolonged stay at my partner's boss' thanksgiving dinner. and though i do believe it was quite kind and gracious of them to invite us in the first place, i couldn't help but hate it.
Of course the food was great, the company was fantastic, and there was a usual abundance of good alcohol (which is usually involved where all CANADIANS are involved), it still wasn't the same... so here's where it differs:
In the states, on thanksgiving, the entire country seemed to shut down--all of the little capitalists stopped in their tracks to pause and recognize that in the end, no matter what, family comes first. even the most dysfunctional of us managed to celebrate our families. no matter where you were: your college boyfriend's home, a friend's home, your in-law's stuffy guest room--you could always count on a football game to make you feel you were at home. The similar foods, the similar traditions kept you connected. and after you finished eating, thanks to the graciousness of another, you were never expected to do anything yet you did anyway because you knew everyone else would pitch in, making the job quite insignificant in the end.
Thanksgiving is the most treasured american holiday because deep down inside americans really do think family is most important, even though we've never collectively acted that way.
It's not that CANADIANS have got it wrong, because for all i know they could simply prioritize family more so on the regular, therefore making the idea thanksgiving more commonplace. Irregardless, it still doesn't have the same effect for me.
It could be because i'm cynical these days (and angry at times)--which shouldn't surprise anyone when in comes to my thoughts pertaining the great super-power nation down south.
Yet something tells me it could also be because i'm lacking in the family department these days. thanksgiving simply isn't the same without your mom and siblings!
(photograph taken by me, my parents backyard)
E.B.'s Pub... shit only a drunk person would say...
i honestly love this blog. i feel like i can tell you whatever is on my mind; like i have someone to vent to... it's fantastic! i know you'll tell me what you think of me, tell me if i am ridiculous, tell me if i make great sense...and i like that. i like knowing that some of you i'll regard as my sister... and some of you, i'll regard as an evil step-parent who sucks...
blogging is good.
(photograph taken of me, drinking while camping)
the end of what? maybe the end of capitalism...
I think this picture is indicative of what many of us may be feeling as of late. I have always been a firm believer in human intuition and its ability to warn of us peril in its own ominous and subtle way. I believe that most people do not depend or use this ability to their advantage as much as they should. Instead we suppress our own natural instinct and listen to what marketing firms have become so brilliant at: programming us. We're basically caught up in a manufactured state of 'iFear', 'iCool', 'iRight', 'iWrong'--you get my drift. Unfortunately, our lack of interest in reality has brought us to a point in history where the world is in absolute and utter crisis--economically, socially, and environmentally. Yet most people are still blind to what is happening; unable to become sober with the severity of the current situation.
I feel as though I have been talking about this underlying feeling of impending doom for a long time and just recently others are beginning to admit to feeling similarly. It feels as though something is about to end and it's an unsettling type of terrifying.
"This thing" which is seemingly coming to an end is ambiguous and vague and matters not. What matters is this unshakable feeling that I am about to fall fast and hard. As if I am standing on the very edge of a cliff; teetering and stammering in a desperate attempt to keep my balance even though I know I am about to plunge. It's that very last second before you fall and everything is in slow motion.
If the end is really near, I just wonder what "the end" is. And for the sake of all human beings, I truly hope it is the end of corruption, or inequality, or hatred, or poverty. Though I hate to sound like a finalist in a beauty pageant, I hope there is warm, crystal blue tropical water to break our fall...Fuck, I'll even take the Atlantic waters off the coast of Jersey. Anything but what is seemingly the inevitable.
(photograph taken by me, Toronto Island '08)
Sunday, October 12
is there a chance that the media might start telling the truth for once.......
I find it quite interesting. And it makes me wonder how much is really on the line when it comes to this election. Think about it.
In the past decade, the media has had information that it has failed to release--for example, the truth about 9/11, Osama Bin Laden, Colin Powell, and Ken Lay--to name a few. It makes me wonder: is this election important enough to make people start paying attention? Are people beginning to demand the truth; fact check their politicians; ask pointed, intelligent questions; demand more from the media? .... a little spark of hope is arising inside of me
Give this article a read. It's a bit long, but it's insightful and it makes you wonder what the hell is going on. How are these guys able to trick us and lie the way they do? Why do we let them and how can we get the truth?
Make-Believe Maverick
A closer look at the life and career of John McCain reveals a disturbing record of recklessness and dishonesty
Posted Oct 16, 2008 7:00 PM
At Fort McNair, an army base located along the Potomac River in the nation's capital, a chance reunion takes place one day between two former POWs. It's the spring of 1974, and Navy commander John Sidney McCain III has returned home from the experience in Hanoi that, according to legend, transformed him from a callow and reckless youth into a serious man of patriotism and purpose. Walking along the grounds at Fort McNair, McCain runs into John Dramesi, an Air Force lieutenant colonel who was also imprisoned and tortured in Vietnam.McCain is studying at the National War College, a prestigious graduate program he had to pull strings with the Secretary of the Navy to get into. Dramesi is enrolled, on his own merit, at the Industrial College of the Armed Forces in the building next door.
There's a distance between the two men that belies their shared experience in North Vietnam — call it an honor gap. Like many American POWs, McCain broke down under torture and offered a "confession" to his North Vietnamese captors. Dramesi, in contrast, attempted two daring escapes. For the second he was brutalized for a month with daily torture sessions that nearly killed him. His partner in the escape, Lt. Col. Ed Atterberry, didn't survive the mistreatment. But Dramesi never said a disloyal word, and for his heroism was awarded two Air Force Crosses, one of the service's highest distinctions. McCain would later hail him as "one of the toughest guys I've ever met."
On the grounds between the two brick colleges, the chitchat between the scion of four-star admirals and the son of a prizefighter turns to their academic travels; both colleges sponsor a trip abroad for young officers to network with military and political leaders in a distant corner of the globe.
"I'm going to the Middle East," Dramesi says. "Turkey, Kuwait, Lebanon, Iran."
"Why are you going to the Middle East?" McCain asks, dismissively.
"It's a place we're probably going to have some problems," Dramesi says.
"Why? Where are you going to, John?"
"Oh, I'm going to Rio."
"What the hell are you going to Rio for?"
McCain, a married father of three, shrugs.
"I got a better chance of getting laid."
Dramesi, who went on to serve as chief war planner for U.S. Air Forces in Europe and commander of a wing of the Strategic Air Command, was not surprised. "McCain says his life changed while he was in Vietnam, and he is now a different man," Dramesi says today. "But he's still the undisciplined, spoiled brat that he was when he went in."
This is the story of the real John McCain, the one who has been hiding in plain sight. It is the story of a man who has consistently put his own advancement above all else, a man willing to say and do anything to achieve his ultimate ambition: to become commander in chief, ascending to the one position that would finally enable him to outrank his four-star father and grandfather.
In its broad strokes, McCain's life story is oddly similar to that of the current occupant of the White House. John Sidney McCain III and George Walker Bush both represent the third generation of American dynasties. Both were born into positions of privilege against which they rebelled into mediocrity. Both developed an uncanny social intelligence that allowed them to skate by with a minimum of mental exertion. Both struggled with booze and loutish behavior. At each step, with the aid of their fathers' powerful friends, both failed upward. And both shed their skins as Episcopalian members of the Washington elite to build political careers as self-styled, ranch-inhabiting Westerners who pray to Jesus in their wives' evangelical churches.
In one vital respect, however, the comparison is deeply unfair to the current president: George W. Bush was a much better pilot.
This, of course, is not the story McCain tells about himself. Few politicians have so actively, or successfully, crafted their own myth of greatness. In McCain's version of his life, he is a prodigal son who, steeled by his brutal internment in Vietnam, learned to put "country first." Remade by the Keating Five scandal that nearly wrecked his career, the story goes, McCain re-emerged as a "reformer" and a "maverick," righteously eschewing anything that "might even tangentially be construed as a less than proper use of my office."It's a myth McCain has cultivated throughout his decades in Washington. But during the course of this year's campaign, the mask has slipped. "Let's face it," says Larry Wilkerson, a retired Army colonel who served as chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell. "John McCain made his reputation on the fact that he doesn't bend his principles for politics. That's just not true."
We have now watched McCain run twice for president. The first time he positioned himself as a principled centrist and decried the politics of Karl Rove and the influence of the religious right, imploring voters to judge candidates "by the example we set, by the way we conduct our campaigns, by the way we personally practice politics." After he lost in 2000, he jagged hard to the left — breaking with the president over taxes, drilling, judicial appointments, even flirting with joining the Democratic Party.
In his current campaign, however, McCain has become the kind of politician he ran against in 2000. He has embraced those he once denounced as "agents of intolerance," promised more drilling and deeper tax cuts, even compromised his vaunted opposition to torture. Intent on winning the presidency at all costs, he has reassembled the very team that so viciously smeared him and his family eight years ago, selecting as his running mate a born-again moose hunter whose only qualification for office is her ability to electrify Rove's base. And he has engaged in a "practice of politics" so deceptive that even Rove himself has denounced it, saying that the outright lies in McCain's campaign ads go "too far" and fail the "truth test."
The missing piece of this puzzle, says a former McCain confidant who has fallen out with the senator over his neoconservatism, is a third, never realized, campaign that McCain intended to run against Bush in 2004. "McCain wanted a rematch, based on ethics, campaign finance and Enron — the corrupt relationship between Bush's team and the corporate sector," says the former friend, a prominent conservative thinker with whom McCain shared his plans over the course of several dinners in 2001. "But when 9/11 happened, McCain saw his chance to challenge Bush again was robbed. He saw 9/11 gave Bush and his failed presidency a second life. He saw Bush and Cheney's ability to draw stark contrasts between black and white, villains and good guys. And that's why McCain changed." (The McCain campaign did not respond to numerous requests for comment from Rolling Stone.)
Indeed, many leading Republicans who once admired McCain see his recent contortions to appease the GOP base as the undoing of a maverick. "John McCain's ambition overrode his basic character," says Rita Hauser, who served on the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board from 2001 to 2004. But the truth of the matter is that ambition is John McCain's basic character. Seen in the sweep of his seven-decade personal history, his pandering to the right is consistent with the only constant in his life: doing what's best for himself. To put the matter squarely: John McCain is his own special interest.
"John has made a pact with the devil," says Lincoln Chafee, the former GOP senator, who has been appalled at his one-time colleague's readiness to sacrifice principle for power. Chafee and McCain were the only Republicans to vote against the Bush tax cuts. They locked arms in opposition to drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. And they worked together in the "Gang of 14," which blocked some of Bush's worst judges from the federal bench.
"On all three — sadly, sadly, sadly — McCain has flip-flopped," Chafee says. And forget all the "Country First" sloganeering, he adds. "McCain is putting himself first. He's putting himself first in blinking neon lights."
to read the rest of this article... click hereThursday, October 2
the revolution will not be televised...
Is she a "maverick"? I laugh: No...she's a disaster.
I'm looking forward to Saturday Night in hopes that Tina Fey (a true modern feminist) will, once again, show the stupidity and naivety of a women who is doing nothing short of shattering the work of our mothers and grandmothers who fought for the many rights we take advantage of today--rights that Palin herself took advantage of as she stood smugly and ignorantly, smiling and WINKING on that podium tonight. It will be interesting to see what happens to her when she's through selling her soul.
If you're reading this, if you're a woman or a girl, if you're a man or a boy who believes in equality and human rights--make sure that you get out there and make your voice heard. It's more than just getting out and voting. Start paying attention.... really START PAYING ATTENTION.
This is not the time to be focused on your iLife, while listening to your iPod and watching The Hills--our future is on the line here. We--the little people, the poor, the "middle class"--WE outnumber the ones in power, yet we continue to take their abuse.
Start paying attention and be ready because the revolution will not be televised.
Wednesday, October 1
political satire at it's best...
Living as a Canadian, I really appreciate this video. Considering we have a Federal Election in a couple of days, it's extremely appropriate wouldn't you say? Though I happen to like Layton and his idealistic views, it's very entertaining to watch the way he's portrayed in this video. I'm pulling for the Liberals, because sometimes you have to vote strategically in a situation with this many parties. I don't think I can continue to live here if there is a conservative majority... I mean, honestly, when are we going to stop electing terrible humans to be in charge?